The millennial generation is often talked about in both a negative and positive light. They are either slated as entitled or praise as innovators. What is often not talked about are their philanthropic efforts. Young adults spend more time than any generation donating their time and money.
When it comes to giving young adults are providing both money and time. Millennial’s volunteer at least an hour of their time every year to good causes. The average millennial donates $341 yearly. In addition, young adults give more time. And money, then they’re older counterparts. They understand the impact they have and they do something about it.
Young adults care about who they donate to as well. They are more inclined to donate to children’s charities and for social issues. They want to have the greatest impact they possibly can. I young adults invest in the future of this country often.
Social media driven
Social media has a huge impact on millennial donations. The ALS foundation saw huge spikes in donations after the ice bucket challenge went viral. Millennials partook in this crowd funding effort and shared it with all their friends. Many complain that millennials are glued to their phones, but they are using them for good.
They do their homework
Finally, millennial’s do their homework. They make sure the charities they donate to a reputable, use the money the way they say they’re supposed to and look for organizations that make the greatest impact. It’s not enough for them to donate time and money
Call millennial’s whatever you want, they know that they are doing good. As a generation sent to be on the receiving end of a huge transfer of wealth in the near future, we are bound to see the effects they have on the world in a much bigger way.